










钱文严谨规矩,“五铢”二字修长秀丽,风格较为一致,“五”字交笔缓曲,上下与两横笔交接处略向内 收。“铢”字“金”头有三角形、箭镞形两种,四点方形较短。“朱”字头方折,下垂笔基本为圆折,头和尾与“金”字旁平齐,笔画粗细一致。


英文翻译:Kaiyuan Tongbao was the currency of the Tang Dynasty. Early Tang dynasty use Sui Wuzhu, light small confuse. Tang Gaozu Wude four years (621), in order to rectify the chaos of the currency system, abandoned sui money, imitate the western Han Wuzhu strict norms, opened the casting of "Kaiyuan Tongbao", to replace the social remaining Wuzhu.

"Old Tang book · Food and goods annals" records: "(Tang) Gaozu ascended the throne, still use the sui five baht money. Wude four years (621) July, waste five baht money, line kaiyuan tongbao money, diameter eight, weight two baht four 絫, the product of ten heavy one or two, one thousand heavy six catties four. Written by ouyang Xun, a calligrapher, the text on the front is "Kaiyuan Tong Bolding", and the shape of the coin is still the same as the round coin with holes in qin Fang

Kaiyuan TongBao

"Kaiyuan Tongbao" coin is printed on the front of the "Kaiyuan Tongbao" four words, clear handwriting, vigorous and powerful. View of its cast, cast orderly, the edge is round, flat chapter, wearing edge clean, excellent foundry, but also show the word profile deep tall and straight, refined add. Appreciate its money, kaiyuan Tongbao unique font end beautiful bright eye, very tolerant! The oxidation of both sides of the coin is consistent, and there are obvious green rust patina. To open the door to the genuine ancient coin, the opposite side of the last month is the back moon version, which is rare and has a high collection value.

Kaiyuan TongBao ancient Chinese war for me, at that time, the tang dynasty accounts for eighty percent of global GDP, enjoy the pearly title in the world, in the international economic status, can be said to be one country alone big, so there are foreign friends will call our tang dynasty, in a foreign country also has a Chinatown, kaiyuan witnessed the prosperity of our country, it is also a very beautiful ancient COINS, The foundry is more beautiful than the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. It can be seen that China's smelting technology has been very developed a thousand years ago. These several coins have no knock and no residue, and the patina opens the door naturally.

Five baht money is a copper currency in ancient China. The money has "Wuzhu" two seal characters, hence the name. In the fourth year of Yuanding (113 BC), Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty banned the coinage of counties and states, and sent the coins privately cast in various places to the Capital To be destroyed, and transferred the power of coinage to the central government. The central government set up a special coin minting institution, that is, the subordinate officers of the water Heng commander (zhong Guan, Distinguish bronze, and skills) were responsible for casting money. Zhong guan is responsible for casting, copper discerning is responsible for examining the quality of copper, skill is responsible for carving. The "Wuzhu" coin was originally cast in the fifth year of the Reign of Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty (118 BC). It was as heavy as its text and was called the Wuzhu coin.

Weight of money

Qian wen rigorous rules, "Wuzhu" two words slender beautiful, the style is more consistent, "five" word pen slowly, up and down and two horizontal pen intersection slightly inward. "Baht" word "gold" head triangle, arrowhead shape two, four square shorter. "Zhu" head square fold, pendulous pen is basically round fold, head and tail and "gold" word side flush, stroke thickness is the same.

The casting of "Wuzhu money" has not been abandoned for more than 700 years, which fully proves that it adapted to the requirements of economic development at that time, and the cultural and psychological state of ordinary people. It was round on the outside and square on the inside, which corresponded to people's understanding that the world they lived in was a round sky and a round place. Its appearance is simple, simple and correct, "five" is "ten" carry half of the number, choose "five" as the count value, easy exchange, change, convenient circulation; It takes seal script as currency text, font, technology, endless changes, outstanding beauty, still let us feel relaxed and happy when appreciating, praise unceasingly, this coin is perfect, clear writing, and one of the five emperor coins, has great collection value.

